Monday, September 29, 2014

Giggling Jellyfish Baby Spa

One of the benefit of being a blogger is we got to be the first to enjoyed everything for free but in return, we had to write a review on what we had enjoyed. Not only me, even my hubby and my Little Angels got to enjoyed it too. This round is my baby turn as PR send me an invitation to review on Giggling Jellyfish which is a new baby spa located at Plaza Ativo, Sri Damansara. 

Do you know that most babies have a natural love of water. After all, our baby was swimming in his or her own "swimming pool" for nine months. Getting our baby used to water early is important from a safety point of view and it's great fun too. Babies and toddlers just love being in warm water — and it’s really good for them, too. Giggling Jellyfish offered swimming session that caters to babies from 3 months onwards to 36 months and each was supervised by their trained and experienced therapists.
Nice bath tub for infant less than a year old
What is the benefit for our babies ? The answer was it helps babies to develop their motor-skills such as coordination, agility, balance, alertness and concentration and social skills as they play in the water. It also increases baby's confidence and awareness in water; both very important characteristics for your child to develop a good foundation and for them to continue a safe-swimming journey for future.
Bath tub for 2-3 years old
It allows time for baby to be interactive and socialize with other babies. With regular swimming, it often improves eating and promotes good sleeping patterns. At Giggling Jellyfish, they always use warm water and with the gentle exercise and massage, it relaxes and stimulates babies' appetites. With baby spa, it also reduce crying and fussiness, help babies to sleep more peacefully and alleviate common wail-inducers like constipation and colic.

Private room for parents to join in the fun with their baby
Swimming with your baby is one of the most memorable, thrilling and bonding things the two (or three! Daddy included!) of you can do. Immersing in warm water with your baby is a truly magical experience and these early bath experiences should be free from stress. Each baby will be accompanied by one (or both!) of their parents for this session. 
WJ enjoying his swimming moment. My happy happy boy..
Infant massage greatly enhances the early bonding relationship between parents and caregivers and their babies. By using gentle, physical stimulation along with loving verbal communication, a wonderful bonding experience is shared. Strokes can be either stimulating or relaxing, depending on your baby’s needs and developmental level. Giggling Jellyfish used only the best organic massage oil for our little ones as their massage oil was from New Zealand and other organic products were from the brand of Blue Oak Valley which is a local brand.
After the swimming course, WJ enjoyed his massage session
Thanks to Cynthia and from Giggling Jellyfish and Jun King for the invitation as all of us could experience it ourselves on actually how it works. My baby slept all the way to 1U in the car right after the session and he slept so well that even though his kor kor and cher cher made so much of noise, it did not affect his sleep at all. With all the benefits, come and try it and I'm very sure your little one will love it too...
Attractive price and package available
Call them and made reservation now. They can be contacted as follows :-
A-3A-10 Ativo Plaza,
Persiaran Perdana (Damansara Avenue),
Bandar Sri Damansara,
52200 Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia
Tel: +603 6262 6762
WhatsApp / Line: +6012 383 1735

My wonderful moment with my 5 beautiful Little Angels
As a Mom of my 5 Little Angels, I'll do anything to ensure all my 5 Little Angels are happy and able to learned something new throughout their growing-up period. When they had grown up, they actually had experience everything in their life with no regret. It'll definitely helps in their decision making since they had lots of exposure like what I had when I was young. I worked in factory, shell station, tuition centre, home tutor, accounts, clerk, tele-marketer, nurse, counsellor, marketing manager and now Company Secretary in listed Company. I travel a lot even though just Peninsular Malaysia and see at my own eyes different peoples with different culture at different state. I had tried everything in my life and I don't have any regret now. I'm happy with what I have now. So, I hope the same will happen to my 5 Little Angels. Live with fullness and be happy always...


  1. Wow!! It's just a great place for babies. Exercise should be started from early childhood and really it will have good impact on toddlers. Such spas are quite a good place to take kids there. Along with exercise, massage also essential to make the baby stronger physically. Read more here: Benefits of Baby Massage. Thanks for sharing the address with contact number, truly many of readers will love to visit here.

  2. Good post and the kids are really enjoying but few things are there to consider before letting your kids get into a swimming pool. You just cannot use the public pool for kids. Also there are some risk and health issues of using any ordinary pool. Swimming Pool & Health Risk. Check out some basics that you need to know before using a pool. Stay watchful a little and enjoy with your kids. Thanks.

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